501 Bank Street, Ste 1 | Webster City, IA 50595

  • 515-835-0437
  • info@enhancehamiltoncounty.org

We’d love to hear from you! Help ensure our grants continue to support the needs of organizations in
Hamilton County by sharing your feedback.

The mission of the Enhance Hamilton County Foundation is to foster private giving, strengthen service providers and improve the quality of life for citizens in Hamilton County. To these ends, the Foundation will promote endowment collaboration, and public leadership for the benefit of the designated area.

The Enhance Hamilton County Foundation serves the communities of Blairsburg, Ellsworth, Jewell, Kamrar, Randall, Stanhope, Stratford, Webster City and Williams.

Support the Hamilton County Sheriff's K9 Program

The Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office is proud to announce the launch of its new K9 program, designed to enhance law enforcement efforts and ensure greater safety for our community. The program will be community-focused, aiding in the protection and service of the residents of Hamilton County.

“We are excited to implement this program, which will serve as an additional resource for our department and our community,” said Sheriff Alex H. Pruismann. “We are grateful for the generosity of our community and look forward to seeing the positive impact this program will have in Hamilton County.”

To support this important initiative, the Enhance Hamilton County Foundation (EHCF) is now accepting charitable donations for the Hamilton County K9 Program. Donations will help fund the operational and training costs of the K9 unit and ensure the continued success of this community-focused program.

To learn more, click here.


Donate to one of the funds managed under the
Foundation and support Hamilton County.


A listing of the food pantries located,
throughout Hamilton County.