Following is a list of the current Enhance Hamilton County funds we currently have available to receive charitable donations. If you are interested in donating to any of these funds, simply click on GIVE NOW to make an online donation or send a check made out to the fund name to our offices at 501 Bank Street, Webster City, IA 50595. You can also contact Darcy Swon, EHCF Development Director, to make a donation.
If you are interested in learning more about starting your own charitable fund, contact us for more information.
Hamilton County Animal AdvoCATes | Give Now
This fund supports TNR (trap-neuter-return) programs for community and barn cats.
Hamilton County Childcare Initiative Fund | Give Now
This fund supports childcare needs throughout Hamilton County. Donations are being accepted to support general needs, the Childcare Bonus Program currently being administered by Building Families and overseen by the Hamilton County Childcare Coalition.
Riverview Early Childcare Center Building Future Together Fund | Give Now
This fund supports the needs of Riverview Early Childhood Childcare Center and their current capital campaign for a new building.
Click here for more ways to donate to this fund.
Briggs Woods Conference Center Construction Fund | Give Now
This fund supports maintenance and site enhancements to the Briggs Woods Conference Center.
Briggs Woods Conference Center Endow Iowa Fund | Give Now
This fund supports the sustainability of the Briggs Woods Conference Center by providing funds for long-term needs.
Enhance Hamilton County Foundation Endowment | Give Now
This fund supports community betterment throughout Hamilton County.
Enhance Hamilton County Foundation Operating Fund | Give Now
This fund supports the ongoing operational costs of the Foundation.
Hamilton County SEED Catalyst Fund | Give Now
This fund supports community betterment and economic development for the communities of Ellsworth, Jewell, Stanhope and Stratford.
Webster City Meals on Wheels Fund | Give Now
This fund supports the Webster City Meals on Wheels Program (MOW) that provides crucial meals, companionship, and safety checks to senior residents without reliance on tax-funded agencies.
Hamilton County Passthrough Fund | Give Now
This fund supports the Hamilton County Veteran Services programs and services in Hamilton County. Please enter VA in the comment section before you submit your charitable gift.
Hamilton County Passthrough Fund | Give Now
This fund supports the stocking of walleye in Hamilton County. Please enter WALLEYE in the comment section before you submit your charitable gift.
Hamilton County Conservation Endowment | Give Now
This fund supports programs and services provided by Hamilton County Conservation.
Doug “Jake” Jacobson Wildlife Fund | Give Now
This fund supports youth hunter education through the Boone Valley Izaak Walton League.
Hamilton County Climate Mitigation | Give Now
This fund supports climate mitigation efforts throughout Hamilton County.
Dave Hilton Character and Commitment Scholarship Fund | Give Now
This scholarship honors the legacy of Dave Hilton, a beloved Webster City coach, teacher, and mentor whose dedication to female student-athletes has left a lasting impact on both the athletes he coached and the community.
Beverly Oppold-Blessman Whaley Scholarship Fund | Give Now
The Beverly Oppold-Blessman Whaley Scholarship Fund has been established to honor the legacy of Beverly Oppold-Blessman Whaley, a respected educator known for her commitment to the students at Webster City High School.
South Hamilton School District Foundation Fund | Give Now
This fund supports the on-going needs of the South Hamilton Community School District.
South Hamilton Schools – Endow Iowa Fund | Give Now
This funds supports the long-term needs of the South Hamilton Community Schools.
Charlene Fox Memorial Scholarship Fund | Give Now
This fund provides a scholarship to a student attending a college/university majoring in Family and Consumer Science, Agriculture, Health Services, or Education.
Wahrenbrock-Vavroch Family Scholarship Fund |Give Now
This fund provides a scholarship to a female planning to attend Iowa State University who demonstrates financial need.
Webster City Community Theatre Endowed Scholarship Fund | Give Now
This fund provides a scholarship to Hamilton County high school seniors and/or graduates who have been actively involved in high school/community theatre arts).
Max & Carolyn Whitlock Instrumental Music Education Fund | Give Now
This fund supports instrumental music education at the South Hamilton School District.
Deborah Witte Memorial Scholarship Fund | Give Now
This fund provides a scholarship to a South Hamilton graduate attending or graduated from any post-secondary school within one year before/after receiving bachelor’s degree in elementary or secondary education.
Webster City Music Boosters | Give Now
This fund supports the needs of the Webster City Community School District Band and Vocal Music programs.
Career Ag Academy Fund | Give Now
This fund supports the hands-on agriculture/animal husbandry educational program being planned in Hamilton County.
For more information on this scholarship and the various ways you can give a charitable gift to show your support.
Career Ag Academy Endowment | Give Now
This fund supports the sustainability of the Career Ag Academy program and facilities.
For more information on this fund and the various ways you can give a charitable gift to show your support.
WCHS Class of 1971 Scholarship Fund | Give Now
This fund provides a $2000 scholarship for a Webster City High School Senior to attend a trade school, community college or 4-year institution of their choice.
Hamilton County Emergency Services Fund | Give Now
This fund supports program and capital needs of emergency services (ambulance, fire and police) that serve Hamilton County. Donations are also being accepted to support the Webster City Police Department K9 program (write City K9 in the memo line or in the comment section if donating online) and the County K9 Program (write County K9) in the memo line or in the comment section if donating online).
Van Diest Medical Center Foundation Fund | Give Now
This fund supports the needs of the Van Diest Medical Center to provide quality care to those utilizing their health care services.
Stanhope Depot and Museum Fund | Give Now
This fund supports the needs of moving the Stanhope Depot back to Stanhope and the on-going needs of the Stanhope Depot and Museum going forward.
Wilson Brewer Park Fund | Give Now
This funds supports the rehabilitation efforts of the Wilson Brewer Park located in Webster City. Several sub-funds exist to allow donors to specifically support a particular area of the park. They include: cabins, caboose, courthouse, depot, grounds, school house, and the Mulberry Center Church.
Wilson Brewer Park/Depot Foundation Endowment | Give Now
This fund supports the sustainability of the Wilson Brewer Park located in Webster City.
Mary Jo & Marvin D. Johnson Family Charitable Fund | Give Now
This fund supports resources for the youth at the Stratford Public Library (City of Stratford) and Stanhope Public Library (City of Stanhope).
Kendall Young Library General Fund | Give Now This fund supports programs, services and on-going needs of the Kendall Young Library located in Webster City.
Kendall Young Library Community Endowment Fund | Give Now
This fund supports the long-term needs and sustainability of the Kendall Young Library located in Webster City.
Friends of the Library Fund | Give Now
This fund supports youth and family programming at the Kendall Young Library located in Webster City.
Our Savior Lutheran Church Legacy Fund | Give Now
This fund supports the Our Savior Lutheran Church located in Stanhope.
Our Savior Lutheran Church Endowment Fund | Give Now
This fund supports the needs of the Our Savior Lutheran Church located in Stanhope.
Homewood Cemetery Endowment | Give Now
This fund supports specific projects to maintain/improve the amenities of the Homewood Cemetery located in Ellsworth.
Friends of Webster City Parks and Recreation Fund | Give Now
This fund supports park and recreation needs in Webster City. Several sub-funds exist to allow donors to specifically support a particular park or recreation area. They currently include: general need, Brewer Creek Park, East Twin Park, Kendall Young Park, Lions Park, Nokomis Park, West Twin Park, Wehrheim Park in addition to trails.
Jewell Parks & Recreation Fund | Give Now
This fund supports parks and recreation needs in the Jewell area. Sub-funds will exist as new projects are identified and approved by the City. Currently, all charitable gifts will be put towards the new swimming pool project.
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