501 Bank Street, Ste 1 | Webster City, IA 50595

  • 515-835-0437
  • info@enhancehamiltoncounty.org

Riverview Early Childhood Center

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  • Riverview Early Childhood Center

Ways to Support:
Riverview Early Childhood Center

Thank you for considering a charitable donation to support the Riverview Early Childhood Center. Your contribution will directly benefit the center and their current expansion project.

All gifts are tax deductible and a gift acknowledgement letter will be sent to the donor once the gift is processed. Online  donations will not receive a letter as the donor can print a receipt after submitting their online gift.

For any questions or assistance with donating, please contact Darcy Swon, Director of the Enhance Hamilton County Foundation, by calling 515-835-0437 or via email at dswon@enhancehamiltoncounty.org.

Cash Gifts
– Please make checks payable to Riverview (Early Childhood Center Building Futures Together Fund). Checks can be mailed to or dropped off at the Foundation office at 501 Bank Street, Webster City, IA 50595. If you drop off a check outside of office hours, please place it in the dark gray mailbox located in the building’s entryway. This mailbox is checked daily.

Stock, Mutual Funds or Bond Gifts
– Before the gift is made, please notify Darcy Swon at 515-835-0437 or via email at dswon@enhancehamiltoncounty.org. The Community Foundation is unable to process gifts until the following information is received:

• Name of the donor who is making the gift
• Stock, mutual fund or bond information (# of shares and name of company/ticker)
• The fund to be credited for the gift (Riverview Early Childhood Center Building Futures Together Fund #508193)

Charles Schwab
DTC 0164, Code 40
Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines Account: 3067‐5865

Please note, if a BIN and/or fund account number is needed for a transfer of mutual funds, please contact Charles Schwab at (602) 355‐9003.

Wire Transfer
– Before the gift is made, please notify Darcy Swon at 515-835-0437 or via email at dswon@enhancehamiltoncounty.org. The Community Foundation is unable to process gifts until the following information is received:

• Name of the donor who is making the gift
• Wire amount
• The fund to be credited for the gift (Riverview Early Childhood Center Building Futures Together Fund #508193)

Routing #: 121000248
Account #: 3002182235

Wells Fargo, NA
801 Walnut Street,
3rd Floor Des Moines, IA 50309

Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines

ACH Transfer
– Before the gift is made, please notify Darcy Swon at 515-835-0437 or via email at
dswon@enhancehamiltoncounty.org. The Community Foundation is unable to process gifts until the following information is received:

• Name of the donor who is making the gift
• ACH Transfer amount
• The fund to be credited for the gift (Riverview Early Childhood Center Building Futures Together Fund #508193)

Routing #: 121000248
Account #: 3002182235
Wells Fargo, NA
801 Walnut Street,
3rd Floor Des Moines, IA 50309

Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines

– Donors can also donate online using a debit/credit card or via ACH Transfer by utilizing the following link: Riverview Early Childhood Center Building Futures Together Fund #508193):